Have you ever had that feeling when you saw it lying down there? All alone. Abandoned. Left the path of the fellow means of value exchange, to set journey to the realms of your mind. It is not a matter of coincidence, nor is it related to the dynamics of luck. It just is. And you must decide in that fraction of a second who you are destined to be. Will you merely observe the coin lying down there, just waiting to get picked up? Or would your spirit guide your muscles to pick up the small piece of hard material? Would you pick up the coin or would you let it be? To be or not to be, in the Shakespearean cliché. Depending on the value of the object, it is reasonable to assume that a € 100 banknote would be picked up with less hesitation than a € 0.10 coin. But what is it that determines value? Would you rather pick up the € 100 bill or would you hate to admit the fact that a € 0.10 coin is just not worth the effort? Why do I do this? Why do I talk about coins? What’s the point of talking about material pieces of value exchange on the tiles of the pavement? Will you pick it up?