Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stop complaining!

Complaining works counterproductive. promise yourself that from this point on, you will stop complaining; stop whining. nobody really cares about your complaints; people are far too caught up with their own issues.

Of course people often demonstrate empathy and they want to make you feel better, but deep down, they don’t give a fuck about your complaints. I see it every day all around me. people always have something to complain about: they complain about their shitty job, they complain about having no money, they complain about being single... and the list doesn't stop there...

Some facts:

-Did you know that the more you complain, the more unattractive you become?
-Did you know that the more you complain, the more people tend to avoid you?
-Did you know that the more you complain, the harder it is to stop? it is a self-fulfilling prophecy!

So for your own sake, don’t ever complain about nothing anymore!

If you are not satisfied with your current situation; don’t complain about it; do something! yes that’s right. it IS as easy as said as done. do not complain: just do! if you have a shitty job; look for a new one! if you are still single; go out more often!

Most of the time people don’t even realize just how much they complain. for example now: it’s minus 10°C outside. it is cold as fuck. every time I leave the house, my balls freeze off and my dick shrinks a few inches. indeed, I can not remember the last time it was this cold!

At the moment, it is again snowing. the grim and gloomy expressions on people’s faces say more than a thousand words... I hear them complain about the horrifying and gruesome coldness of this dark winter day...

Do you know why I’m not complaining?


Because they are outside in the cold and I am inside in my warm house, very comfortable in my pajama, enjoying a hot cup of coffee ;)

Do not complain; do.
