31 December 2008: at 11.00 my lil' brother called me and said: 'listen man, we should really do something crazy tonight. i dont wanna spend new year doing nothing'. of course i was still asleep and said: 'yeah man you're right'. and than he told me to call some people and said that we would give a party at our place tonight. i said; 'yeah man you're right' :P and we hang up the phone. i called some people -i called my friend G. and 5 girls and i said that there would be a party tonight at my place.
at 16.00 we started organizing things and purchasing things for the party. i say 'purchasing' because we didn't buy it ;) all i can say is that the self scanners at Albert Heijn are a blessing and basically we purchased € 500 on alcohol - A LOT OF ALCOHOL-, drinks, chips, pizzas etc. and we paid a total of € 75. God bless AH.
At 20.00 we went to my fathers house where we would celebrate the countdown. we didnt do much, just some quality time with family (playing cards, playing chest, eating nice new year food etc.) at 24.00 we hugged each other and wished each other all the best for 2009...
it was in this moment when i could cry, because my girlfriend wasnt with me...
i'll tell you in time more about my girl, but what it comes down to is that she lives in Poland, Warsaw, and we have a long distance relation for 2 years already. she is the love of my live and i hate it that she couldnt be there with me.. i miss her.
(This is a picture of me and my sweety in Thailand, Koh Samui, Silver Beach)
But anyway, at 00.30 my father gave us a ride to my mother's house where the party would go on till 10.00 next morning :P hahaha the party was extremely well organized: we took the laptop downstairs with a tremendous sound system, the fireplace was on, the bottles were cold ;) and the party could begin. the first person came at 01.00 when i was still preparing myself and putting make up and all that shit ;). later, more guests came and when everyone was there (at 03.00) we were with 20 people. more people planned to come but they were drunk in Amsterdam center and didnt show up :P.
My brother and myself were the hosts of the night
and we made sure everyone had a marvelous time.
and we made sure everyone had a marvelous time.

Not only did we drank, we also took the liberty to take some x. my other brother was in charge of the 'smoking area' (his room) :P all the smokers went to his room where they all used a LOT of weed/hash/vaporizer. that night he had more in his room than a coffeeshop.
later he also made food for all the guests. he made delicious salmon, very nice chicken with cocos, rice and some nice sauce.
Later that night T. was sleeping with me. she is so super sweet. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX