Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
No joke!
No joke: yesterday was fun!
No joke: always next level chilling
No joke: always carpe diem
To be continued...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Last night: on a trip with M.
Enlightenment can be quite boring, but I wouldn't have any followers if I told you that.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Back @ Amsterdam
I'm back home.. My bro showed me some funny videos. it's ridiculous; it's hilarious! this is what's hot now on Dutch tv:
(if you're easily offended, don't watch it)
(if you're easily offended, don't watch it)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What really matters...
Before I went to bed, I drank a Red Bull and I couldn't sleep.. I was thinking about my time here in Leeds, England. I've been here now for about half a year and I was contemplating about the time I've spend here.
I didn't know what to expect of me studying abroad, before I came here. I knew Leeds was a party-city with a lot of students -who don't mind showing off their drinking skills-. the first couple of weeks, I didn't study: only partying.
But after a while, I got bored. I've been to the pubs, I've been to the clubs and of course to the infamous student-flat party's. all nice and fun, but I didn't feel it was worth blogging about... if I were to post a blog every time I went to a party, I would have 150 posts by now...
So if that is not worth blogging about, than what is?
Given the fact that I'm now high on Red Bull, I think very clearly in this moment and I got a realization of what is truly important in my life. what really matters...
It is you! my family and friends! this post is dedicated to the small circle of important people in my life: my family and my real friends!
First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. in all my life, you were the ones who gave me all the chances and opportunities and I am deeply thankful for you always supporting me. of course I could never state in words how grateful I am for everything you ever did for me... I know you spoiled me very much, but don't think I don't appreciate it.
-Papa, when I was young -7 years old- and we went to this birthday party and that guy asked me: "so A., who is your hero?" I looked at you with a smile and I answered the guy: "my father." this is still true today. you are my hero, my example. you teach me valuable life lessons, lessons that I will teach my own children.
-Mama, you've helped me out so much, I don't even know where to begin with thanking you! in many ways, you have made it possible for me to expand my horizon.. ever since we were kids, you took us all around the world and I've seen many great places. when I needed something, you never let me down.
My brothers and best friends D. & E., for more than 20 years, we see each other every day. ever since we were little kids, always hanging out doing little kids stuff. today, nothing has changed ;P. we still do the most stupidest things; we play, we laugh, we fight, we grow!
-D., your heart is in the right place. I have no doubts that you will find your way.
-E., of all the people I know, you are probably the most like me. we have a lot of telepathy, we think alike, but yet, we are also very different. and yes, you are a true source of inspiration.
What is a Samurai warrior without his sword?
What is a hot girl without a beautiful smile?
What is a t-bone steak without pepper and salt?
What good is the sun without the shine?
Indeed, what good is a man without real friends?
-J., you are one of best friends. a solid-rock genuine real friend. I appreciate your honesty, even when I don't want to hear it ;). I appreciate your character; you are pure and true. you are probably my closest friend since high school! always doing RAAR, always terrorising the class ;). when I was forced to choose another school, you just came along with me, like a true soldier. I'll never forget this. it's all good with us. I don't have to use many words.
-G., we usually never show each other our "soft-side" (maybe we have to keep up the "macho-image" ;p), but I think you know that you are very important to me. it's like every time we do something, it's just grande! not just "good" or "great": no, when we spend time, it is GRANDE! of course we have the occasional beef (maybe it's the "macho-thing"), but I know you are a good guy. when we chill, we chill carpe diem style! you are always down with everything, nothing is too crazy for you and you really live by your statement: impossible is nothing. I respect this a lot!
-My girl J., I'm crazy in love!
-My ex-girl W., I know we don't talk as much as we used to (every day on the phone for 3-4 hours ;p) and you have no idea how much I miss contact with you. but like I told you before, I want to have time for being me. I know we'll see each other again one day and who knows what the future brings.. all I know is that you are a true friend and I know I can always count on you..
-My childhood friends P. & M., of all my friends, I've known you the longest. with you we spend our "golden childhood years". I'll never forget this. when we see each other, it's just like the old days. those were some good days man ;p many more of those to come..
-Last but not least, A., you are my room-mate now for the last couple of months here in Leeds and if it wasn't for you, my time here would not be the same.. I couldn't think of a better room-mate (our other room-mates are.... hahaha you know what's going on here in this house ;P)
So yeah, this is what's going on. this blog is a tribute to those of you who are important to me. you are within my circle of family and close friends and I love all of you!
Ow yes, speaking of family.. I also want to pay tribute to the tv show Family Guy. it is the funniest comedy ever! (I don't know if that is a good or a very sad thing ;p) some people find Family Guy just stupid and ridiculous, but I think it's very creative. Peter Griffin is just fucking hilarious! when I look at him, I immediately start smiling. his humour is out of this world! and Stewie is just incredible.. you gotta appreciate the little man with the dark humour.. and Brian, nothing but respect for this dog!
So in short: love for the family, friends and Family Guy!
But I think the Red Bull has done its magic by now. It's 05.15 AM, I'm tired and I have college in 4 hours...
Do I go to school? or do I stay home and sleep?...
Read it in the next blog of AJS to find out... ;)
I didn't know what to expect of me studying abroad, before I came here. I knew Leeds was a party-city with a lot of students -who don't mind showing off their drinking skills-. the first couple of weeks, I didn't study: only partying.
But after a while, I got bored. I've been to the pubs, I've been to the clubs and of course to the infamous student-flat party's. all nice and fun, but I didn't feel it was worth blogging about... if I were to post a blog every time I went to a party, I would have 150 posts by now...
So if that is not worth blogging about, than what is?
Given the fact that I'm now high on Red Bull, I think very clearly in this moment and I got a realization of what is truly important in my life. what really matters...
It is you! my family and friends! this post is dedicated to the small circle of important people in my life: my family and my real friends!
First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. in all my life, you were the ones who gave me all the chances and opportunities and I am deeply thankful for you always supporting me. of course I could never state in words how grateful I am for everything you ever did for me... I know you spoiled me very much, but don't think I don't appreciate it.
-Papa, when I was young -7 years old- and we went to this birthday party and that guy asked me: "so A., who is your hero?" I looked at you with a smile and I answered the guy: "my father." this is still true today. you are my hero, my example. you teach me valuable life lessons, lessons that I will teach my own children.
-Mama, you've helped me out so much, I don't even know where to begin with thanking you! in many ways, you have made it possible for me to expand my horizon.. ever since we were kids, you took us all around the world and I've seen many great places. when I needed something, you never let me down.
My brothers and best friends D. & E., for more than 20 years, we see each other every day. ever since we were little kids, always hanging out doing little kids stuff. today, nothing has changed ;P. we still do the most stupidest things; we play, we laugh, we fight, we grow!
-D., your heart is in the right place. I have no doubts that you will find your way.
-E., of all the people I know, you are probably the most like me. we have a lot of telepathy, we think alike, but yet, we are also very different. and yes, you are a true source of inspiration.
What is a Samurai warrior without his sword?
What is a hot girl without a beautiful smile?
What is a t-bone steak without pepper and salt?
What good is the sun without the shine?
Indeed, what good is a man without real friends?
-J., you are one of best friends. a solid-rock genuine real friend. I appreciate your honesty, even when I don't want to hear it ;). I appreciate your character; you are pure and true. you are probably my closest friend since high school! always doing RAAR, always terrorising the class ;). when I was forced to choose another school, you just came along with me, like a true soldier. I'll never forget this. it's all good with us. I don't have to use many words.
-G., we usually never show each other our "soft-side" (maybe we have to keep up the "macho-image" ;p), but I think you know that you are very important to me. it's like every time we do something, it's just grande! not just "good" or "great": no, when we spend time, it is GRANDE! of course we have the occasional beef (maybe it's the "macho-thing"), but I know you are a good guy. when we chill, we chill carpe diem style! you are always down with everything, nothing is too crazy for you and you really live by your statement: impossible is nothing. I respect this a lot!
-My girl J., I'm crazy in love!
-My ex-girl W., I know we don't talk as much as we used to (every day on the phone for 3-4 hours ;p) and you have no idea how much I miss contact with you. but like I told you before, I want to have time for being me. I know we'll see each other again one day and who knows what the future brings.. all I know is that you are a true friend and I know I can always count on you..
-My childhood friends P. & M., of all my friends, I've known you the longest. with you we spend our "golden childhood years". I'll never forget this. when we see each other, it's just like the old days. those were some good days man ;p many more of those to come..
-Last but not least, A., you are my room-mate now for the last couple of months here in Leeds and if it wasn't for you, my time here would not be the same.. I couldn't think of a better room-mate (our other room-mates are.... hahaha you know what's going on here in this house ;P)
So yeah, this is what's going on. this blog is a tribute to those of you who are important to me. you are within my circle of family and close friends and I love all of you!
Ow yes, speaking of family.. I also want to pay tribute to the tv show Family Guy. it is the funniest comedy ever! (I don't know if that is a good or a very sad thing ;p) some people find Family Guy just stupid and ridiculous, but I think it's very creative. Peter Griffin is just fucking hilarious! when I look at him, I immediately start smiling. his humour is out of this world! and Stewie is just incredible.. you gotta appreciate the little man with the dark humour.. and Brian, nothing but respect for this dog!
So in short: love for the family, friends and Family Guy!
But I think the Red Bull has done its magic by now. It's 05.15 AM, I'm tired and I have college in 4 hours...
Do I go to school? or do I stay home and sleep?...
Read it in the next blog of AJS to find out... ;)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Yesterday for the first time ever, I celebrated Thanksgiving. In Holland, we don't celebrate it (it's an American and Canadian thing), so I was really thankful to experience it ;).
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"The secret is how to die. Since the beginning of time, the secret had always been how to die."
Sounds pretty intense right? at least that's what I thought when I read the first line of Dan Brown's 'The lost symbol'. the reason I put this line forward in my blog is because it's a perfect example of how openers should be presented: they have to trigger your attention. any good opener -whether it is a pick-up line or an introduction phrase- can either make you or break you. Consequently, this puts your creativity to the test. take for example my blog: if I start my blog boring, you will lose attention and you will not continue reading what I wrote.
The underlying concept is very simple. it always is. every great person in history understood the importance of leaving behind a good impression. as we know, first impressions are the most important, for we never get a second chance to make a first impression. we base our initial opinions upon first impressions. why you think (most) people don't forget their first time sex?
There can only be one first time for everything we do. all the times after it -of course more sophisticated and improved- are just a repetition of that first time..
So does this mean that history repeats itself -like so many people believe it does-? this answer can be explained in more than one way. my first answer is that history repeats itself over and over again and that everything what happens, already happened -may it be in a different form, shape or size- some time in history before. all the great minds and philosophers living today -like the Dalai Lama- all had the same ideas -may it be in a different form, shape or size- as the great minds back in the days of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Nothing is new, nothing is creative, everything what happens is merely a repeated action of what once was before. We are all the same, only our means changed over time. as Einstein once said: "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."
The other side of the coin is that history does not repeat itself.. that we are in fact not doomed to live within an endless circle of repetition. the very fact that we are able to think about the concept of this "circle of repetition", implies that we are also able to change the way we perceive it; that we are thus capable of creating our own path, of stepping out of this vicious circle. as Nietzsche would like to think; it is in mankind's ability to transcend humanity's repetitive nature. such a being embraces the idea of continual change; of continual reinvention.
don't worry, I will not bother you with vague terms and I surely don't want to sound like a "New Age" manager, I'm simply stating that it is in our power to overcome our selves!
I believe that one can ultimately grow if one tries to set goals and conquers oneself. a winner is not someone who defeats others, a winner is someone who overcomes himself. the victory of a true winner is not measured by how many -external- opponents he defeats, but by overcoming his inner demons -his insecurities, fears, character flaws etc.-
In the last year, I have grown a lot. I have experienced a lot. not necessarily in the sense of doing activities -even tough that as well ;)- but I have experienced a lot of mental growth within myself. I could say I'm experiencing spiritual growth, but like I stated before, I don't want to sound too dreamy and vague.
One week ago, I came back from my girlfriend J. in Brasil. being back home in Amsterdam sometimes feel surreal. not that I'm dreamy or that I can not handle reality. on the contrary, reality becomes more and more a construct that I'm creating myself! it seems that nothing is out of reach for me!!! I have become more myself, more mature, more consistent and I feel as if the world is my playground. and trust me, this feels very good..
I feel in many ways completely fearless.... take for example my flight back home.. I was flying high above the sky, in a Boeing 777-300, 11 hours from Brasil to Amsterdam. next to me sat a big, masculine Brazilian guy/man. I knew that within the next half hour, we would be friends or enemies.. we became the latter.
we both did something very primal and very basic; defending our territory..
this was the situation: I was sitting on the aisle seat and he in the middle seat. we both wanted to rest our elbows on the armrest. the guy weighs over 100 kilo so it would be more fair to give him more space.
But then again, life is not fair..
Even tough I am not as big as my fellow traveler, I would not "surrender" and let him have the armrest. so after 10 minutes we both placed our elbows on the same small armrest and we both could sense the irritation. we both didn't want to give up..
After 20 minutes the "pushing" started to get more intense and I had to use force just to keep my elbow on the rest.. luckily, at one point we both found an agreeable position.
And it went well..
For no longer than 5 minutes..
After half an hour, I knew I had to make a choice. because he would not give up the armrest to me and I sure as hell would not give it up to him. now it had become personal.. so with an incredible force I pushed his elbow off the rest -with my elbow- to claim my place.
He looks at me and said something in Portuguese. I told him that if he wants to tell me something, to do it in English. he asked me -in an aggressive manner- what my problem is and why I am pushing his elbow away all the time?!
I looked at him -very deep in his eyes- focused and calmly, and said: "I am claiming my place. I want to have my elbow on this armrest and I will keep it here for the rest of this flight. will this be a problem for you?" (I said it very calmly, not with the slightest of aggression).. I don't know if he understood my English, -he didn't respond after my statement- but for the rest of the flight, his ENTIRE body (including his elbow ;) was moved away from me and I had all the space in the world.
Maybe this little story seems trivial or insignificant to you, but I felt I accomplished something very important. because it's not about some arm-lean, it's about representing yourself and standing up for what you believe in.
Another story:
The second day in Amsterdam me and one of my best friends J., went to Sugar Factory, Wicked Jazz Sounds. again here, the night gives you a variety of options. your character is being formed by the choices you make and the actions you undertake. we entered the club and when I looked around I said to myself that the night can develop in two ways: or I choose the easy way and just have a drink, dance a little bit, talk with some people -who don't hear what you say because of the loud music-, in other words: a regular fucking boring night.
Or, I give away a show and make sure I will be able to look at myself in the mirror afterwards and say: "yeah man, last night was a great night. you stole the show man!"
What you think I chose? ;)
Result: J. and me dancing jazz!! destroying the dancefloor. one girl even asked me if I'm a professional dancer, or if I took dance-lessons. I told her that I'm just a natural and continued my "choreography" ;). at one point I was dancing with another girl, S. and this was a dirty sex dance! I mean dirty DIRTY, that she was sweating on me! she, being a sexy blonde dancer, gave me her phone number and wanted to see me again. luckily my homie J. reminded me that I still have a girlfriend in Brasil, so I didn't get to the part of having sex with S... even tough I EASILY could have.
I am now back at Leeds, England, doing my university exchange programme. I just finished my essay -written for the first time in English- about 'The justification of inequality within societies'. but I don't expect you to care about it ;).
I always hear comments about my blog that my 'fans' only want to read about my sexual adventures and other wild and crazy stories. well let me tell you, life does not always have to be wild and crazy. it does not always have to be about sex -even tough sex is one of the most important things in life, better yet, it is the very purpose of our continuation of life!- for me, the concept of sex has changed a lot over the years. when I was first having regular sex -when I was a little horny teenager boy ;P- I was only thinking: "YES, I am fucking a nice girl now! YEAHHH!!!" but now I experience sex completely different. for me sex is now simply an extension of the social interaction with the girl. it is only natural to have sex with a girl, after a pleasant conversation with her -of course ONLY if she is nice (I may be one of the pickiest guys alive, no joke)-. once the "click" is established, 9 out of 10 times, sex will happen naturally.
But I don't want to talk too much about sex now, because I only miss my girlfriend J. I dislike the fact that she lives all the way in fucking Brasil, but like I told G. many times before: she is worth it, especially because the sex with her is ABSURDLY GREAT!!! saying that she is my best sex ever is an understatement.. !!!
J., I know you read my blog and I can only tell you that I sincerely have very intense feelings for you -most people would call it love- and I'll see you again soon, whether it's in Brasil, Holland or in the UK..
PS. I know for a fact that many people read my blog (when I see my friends, they always comment me about something I wrote), but now I even have some official "blogfollowers". even tough I never met some of these people, they are somehow interested in what I have to say. So, G., I take it as a compliment! thanks! I read your blog too and I'll keep an eye out on it.
Keep on bloggin' and keep on rockin', because we are all fuckin' rockstars, even if it is only in our minds ;)
Sounds pretty intense right? at least that's what I thought when I read the first line of Dan Brown's 'The lost symbol'. the reason I put this line forward in my blog is because it's a perfect example of how openers should be presented: they have to trigger your attention. any good opener -whether it is a pick-up line or an introduction phrase- can either make you or break you. Consequently, this puts your creativity to the test. take for example my blog: if I start my blog boring, you will lose attention and you will not continue reading what I wrote.
The underlying concept is very simple. it always is. every great person in history understood the importance of leaving behind a good impression. as we know, first impressions are the most important, for we never get a second chance to make a first impression. we base our initial opinions upon first impressions. why you think (most) people don't forget their first time sex?
There can only be one first time for everything we do. all the times after it -of course more sophisticated and improved- are just a repetition of that first time..
So does this mean that history repeats itself -like so many people believe it does-? this answer can be explained in more than one way. my first answer is that history repeats itself over and over again and that everything what happens, already happened -may it be in a different form, shape or size- some time in history before. all the great minds and philosophers living today -like the Dalai Lama- all had the same ideas -may it be in a different form, shape or size- as the great minds back in the days of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Nothing is new, nothing is creative, everything what happens is merely a repeated action of what once was before. We are all the same, only our means changed over time. as Einstein once said: "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."
The other side of the coin is that history does not repeat itself.. that we are in fact not doomed to live within an endless circle of repetition. the very fact that we are able to think about the concept of this "circle of repetition", implies that we are also able to change the way we perceive it; that we are thus capable of creating our own path, of stepping out of this vicious circle. as Nietzsche would like to think; it is in mankind's ability to transcend humanity's repetitive nature. such a being embraces the idea of continual change; of continual reinvention.
don't worry, I will not bother you with vague terms and I surely don't want to sound like a "New Age" manager, I'm simply stating that it is in our power to overcome our selves!
I believe that one can ultimately grow if one tries to set goals and conquers oneself. a winner is not someone who defeats others, a winner is someone who overcomes himself. the victory of a true winner is not measured by how many -external- opponents he defeats, but by overcoming his inner demons -his insecurities, fears, character flaws etc.-
In the last year, I have grown a lot. I have experienced a lot. not necessarily in the sense of doing activities -even tough that as well ;)- but I have experienced a lot of mental growth within myself. I could say I'm experiencing spiritual growth, but like I stated before, I don't want to sound too dreamy and vague.
One week ago, I came back from my girlfriend J. in Brasil. being back home in Amsterdam sometimes feel surreal. not that I'm dreamy or that I can not handle reality. on the contrary, reality becomes more and more a construct that I'm creating myself! it seems that nothing is out of reach for me!!! I have become more myself, more mature, more consistent and I feel as if the world is my playground. and trust me, this feels very good..
I feel in many ways completely fearless.... take for example my flight back home.. I was flying high above the sky, in a Boeing 777-300, 11 hours from Brasil to Amsterdam. next to me sat a big, masculine Brazilian guy/man. I knew that within the next half hour, we would be friends or enemies.. we became the latter.
we both did something very primal and very basic; defending our territory..
this was the situation: I was sitting on the aisle seat and he in the middle seat. we both wanted to rest our elbows on the armrest. the guy weighs over 100 kilo so it would be more fair to give him more space.
But then again, life is not fair..
Even tough I am not as big as my fellow traveler, I would not "surrender" and let him have the armrest. so after 10 minutes we both placed our elbows on the same small armrest and we both could sense the irritation. we both didn't want to give up..
After 20 minutes the "pushing" started to get more intense and I had to use force just to keep my elbow on the rest.. luckily, at one point we both found an agreeable position.
And it went well..
For no longer than 5 minutes..
After half an hour, I knew I had to make a choice. because he would not give up the armrest to me and I sure as hell would not give it up to him. now it had become personal.. so with an incredible force I pushed his elbow off the rest -with my elbow- to claim my place.
He looks at me and said something in Portuguese. I told him that if he wants to tell me something, to do it in English. he asked me -in an aggressive manner- what my problem is and why I am pushing his elbow away all the time?!
I looked at him -very deep in his eyes- focused and calmly, and said: "I am claiming my place. I want to have my elbow on this armrest and I will keep it here for the rest of this flight. will this be a problem for you?" (I said it very calmly, not with the slightest of aggression).. I don't know if he understood my English, -he didn't respond after my statement- but for the rest of the flight, his ENTIRE body (including his elbow ;) was moved away from me and I had all the space in the world.
Maybe this little story seems trivial or insignificant to you, but I felt I accomplished something very important. because it's not about some arm-lean, it's about representing yourself and standing up for what you believe in.
Another story:
The second day in Amsterdam me and one of my best friends J., went to Sugar Factory, Wicked Jazz Sounds. again here, the night gives you a variety of options. your character is being formed by the choices you make and the actions you undertake. we entered the club and when I looked around I said to myself that the night can develop in two ways: or I choose the easy way and just have a drink, dance a little bit, talk with some people -who don't hear what you say because of the loud music-, in other words: a regular fucking boring night.
Or, I give away a show and make sure I will be able to look at myself in the mirror afterwards and say: "yeah man, last night was a great night. you stole the show man!"
What you think I chose? ;)
Result: J. and me dancing jazz!! destroying the dancefloor. one girl even asked me if I'm a professional dancer, or if I took dance-lessons. I told her that I'm just a natural and continued my "choreography" ;). at one point I was dancing with another girl, S. and this was a dirty sex dance! I mean dirty DIRTY, that she was sweating on me! she, being a sexy blonde dancer, gave me her phone number and wanted to see me again. luckily my homie J. reminded me that I still have a girlfriend in Brasil, so I didn't get to the part of having sex with S... even tough I EASILY could have.
I am now back at Leeds, England, doing my university exchange programme. I just finished my essay -written for the first time in English- about 'The justification of inequality within societies'. but I don't expect you to care about it ;).
I always hear comments about my blog that my 'fans' only want to read about my sexual adventures and other wild and crazy stories. well let me tell you, life does not always have to be wild and crazy. it does not always have to be about sex -even tough sex is one of the most important things in life, better yet, it is the very purpose of our continuation of life!- for me, the concept of sex has changed a lot over the years. when I was first having regular sex -when I was a little horny teenager boy ;P- I was only thinking: "YES, I am fucking a nice girl now! YEAHHH!!!" but now I experience sex completely different. for me sex is now simply an extension of the social interaction with the girl. it is only natural to have sex with a girl, after a pleasant conversation with her -of course ONLY if she is nice (I may be one of the pickiest guys alive, no joke)-. once the "click" is established, 9 out of 10 times, sex will happen naturally.
But I don't want to talk too much about sex now, because I only miss my girlfriend J. I dislike the fact that she lives all the way in fucking Brasil, but like I told G. many times before: she is worth it, especially because the sex with her is ABSURDLY GREAT!!! saying that she is my best sex ever is an understatement.. !!!
J., I know you read my blog and I can only tell you that I sincerely have very intense feelings for you -most people would call it love- and I'll see you again soon, whether it's in Brasil, Holland or in the UK..
PS. I know for a fact that many people read my blog (when I see my friends, they always comment me about something I wrote), but now I even have some official "blogfollowers". even tough I never met some of these people, they are somehow interested in what I have to say. So, G., I take it as a compliment! thanks! I read your blog too and I'll keep an eye out on it.
Keep on bloggin' and keep on rockin', because we are all fuckin' rockstars, even if it is only in our minds ;)
Friday, October 16, 2009
A.'s advice
Hey, how are you?
Many times guys (and girls) ask me what's my favourite pick up line.. they ask me things like "so what do you TELL a girl? what do you SAY to her?" when I hear this, I just start smiling.. because this question -what's your favourite pick up line?- implies that there has to be some sort of "magical sentence" that can be used time after time in order to get a girl.
Well let me tell you something. there IS in fact such a sentence...
And it IS a magical sentence...
It's a secret pick-up line, only known among the greatest of pick-up artists. it has been used by Casanova himself...
Sounds unbelievable? let me ask you this:
Always wanted to have that special girl's phone number? always wanted to have sex with that one beautiful girl from your class? always wanted to approach that one hot chick, but never felt comfortable because you didn't had that one magical pick-up line??
If you answered 'yes' to the above questions, I will hereby change your life forever...
But you must promise me that you will keep it a secret. it's not meant for everyone...
Ok here it comes... are you ready? are you ready to find out what's the one magical sentence that will get you ANY girl you want?
Here it is:
"Hey, how are you?"
There you have it.
Maybe I should repeat myself: "Hey, how are you?"
Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen. this IS world's greatest pick-up line!!! 100% success guaranteed!
Of course I know that you are highly sceptical and probably you don't even believe me. but if you analyse my words more deeply, you'll see that I'm right! it really is the best pick-up line because it ALWAYS works. BUT... (obviously there is a but)... the line is just a line.. it are four words put together in one sentence and exactly therein lies its magic. for we all know that words -spoken words- can come out in many different ways.
Example 1: imagine this guy saying "Hey, how are you?":

Example 2: and now imagine this guy saying the same thing:

Need I say more? NEED I SAY MORE? a picture says more than a thousand words and when I look at these pictures I understand why my "magical pick-up line" works for some, but doesn't work for others..
What you have to understand is that the line ITSELF always works. but more importantly, will it work when YOU say it? are these four magical words still so magical when they leave YOUR mouth?
The secret lies in the fact that it's not important WHAT you say. it's about HOW you say it. this all seems very logical and most people already know this.
But so why are those people still single?
For those of you who didn't know it yet, I'm now in Leeds, England, for the next 4 months. I'm here as an exchange student and I'm here experimenting and playing the game. I'm here all alone (well, I got lovely roommates ;)) in a new country, meeting new people all the time. it's the perfect way to upgrade my game skills. as David D. would say it: go OUT THERE and play the game, because the game is being played in real life with real people; not in books or DVDs.
It's for this very reason that I'm flirting A LOT here; seriously all the time; every single day; it's always on!!!
Like I said before, it doesn't matter what you say to a girl. let me share some funny dialogues to show you that it really doesn't matter :P and that I still have success, despite the fact of me saying the most ridiculous things.*
*none of the dialogues have been altered, modified or changed. these are exact fragments of actual conversations.
As you can see, I said the stupidest things, things that "normally" would not make sense. but they all worked, not because I knew what I was SAYING; I knew what I was DOING. the point I'm making here is that you can say whatever you want and still have success! isn't that what every guy wants? being able to "be yourself" -making dumb jokes and saying stupid things- while in the same time being liked and having success? next time, when your 'approach anxiety' sets in, don't think about what you're going to say to that hot blonde standing at the bar; think about how you will walk towards her. think about how your shoes will touch the surface of the floor. think about the look in your eyes when you make eye-contact. think about your posture when you stand next to her. and then, finally, le moment suprême, ask her: "Hey, how are you?"
Go out there and make magic happen!
Many times guys (and girls) ask me what's my favourite pick up line.. they ask me things like "so what do you TELL a girl? what do you SAY to her?" when I hear this, I just start smiling.. because this question -what's your favourite pick up line?- implies that there has to be some sort of "magical sentence" that can be used time after time in order to get a girl.
Well let me tell you something. there IS in fact such a sentence...
And it IS a magical sentence...
It's a secret pick-up line, only known among the greatest of pick-up artists. it has been used by Casanova himself...
Sounds unbelievable? let me ask you this:
Always wanted to have that special girl's phone number? always wanted to have sex with that one beautiful girl from your class? always wanted to approach that one hot chick, but never felt comfortable because you didn't had that one magical pick-up line??
If you answered 'yes' to the above questions, I will hereby change your life forever...
But you must promise me that you will keep it a secret. it's not meant for everyone...
Ok here it comes... are you ready? are you ready to find out what's the one magical sentence that will get you ANY girl you want?
Here it is:
"Hey, how are you?"
There you have it.
Maybe I should repeat myself: "Hey, how are you?"
Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen. this IS world's greatest pick-up line!!! 100% success guaranteed!
Of course I know that you are highly sceptical and probably you don't even believe me. but if you analyse my words more deeply, you'll see that I'm right! it really is the best pick-up line because it ALWAYS works. BUT... (obviously there is a but)... the line is just a line.. it are four words put together in one sentence and exactly therein lies its magic. for we all know that words -spoken words- can come out in many different ways.
Example 1: imagine this guy saying "Hey, how are you?":

Example 2: and now imagine this guy saying the same thing:

Need I say more? NEED I SAY MORE? a picture says more than a thousand words and when I look at these pictures I understand why my "magical pick-up line" works for some, but doesn't work for others..
What you have to understand is that the line ITSELF always works. but more importantly, will it work when YOU say it? are these four magical words still so magical when they leave YOUR mouth?
The secret lies in the fact that it's not important WHAT you say. it's about HOW you say it. this all seems very logical and most people already know this.
But so why are those people still single?
Some facts:
- Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs.
- There are three major parts in human face to face communication which are body language, voice tonality and words.
- 55% of impact is determined by body language; postures, gestures; eye contact etc.
- 38% by the tone of voice.
- 7% (!) by the content or the words used in the process of communication.
For those of you who didn't know it yet, I'm now in Leeds, England, for the next 4 months. I'm here as an exchange student and I'm here experimenting and playing the game. I'm here all alone (well, I got lovely roommates ;)) in a new country, meeting new people all the time. it's the perfect way to upgrade my game skills. as David D. would say it: go OUT THERE and play the game, because the game is being played in real life with real people; not in books or DVDs.
It's for this very reason that I'm flirting A LOT here; seriously all the time; every single day; it's always on!!!
Like I said before, it doesn't matter what you say to a girl. let me share some funny dialogues to show you that it really doesn't matter :P and that I still have success, despite the fact of me saying the most ridiculous things.*
Dialogue with girl#1:
me: so what's your name? she: Laura me: and what's your number? she: what? me: yeah, your phone number she: why do you want my phone number? me: because I want to stalk you and call you everyday and tell you how much I love you. she: hahaha omg you are too funny! (I got her number, but I'm not stalking her, don't worry ;)Dialogue with girl#2:
she: so what did you do before this? me: I used to be a Kamasutra teacher she: really?? me: yes, I've been in India many times where I got my official degree.. you are now looking at a Kamasutra guru she: nooo, I don't believe you me: I wish I could show you my skills, but I don't think you could handle it she: uhu me: the first thing what I teach my pupils is to stop looking at the pictures and actually READ the material. because if you read and understand the book, you are able to grow, not only as a sexual creature, but as a human being.. she: you are playing with me. you are no Kamasutra guru! me: I know why you don't believe me. you think I just say it because I want to have sex with you. well you are right about that, I want to have sex with you she: (she giving me a naughty look and drinks from my glass) me: but.. it would jeopardize our relationship of me being the mentor and you being the student she: hahaha so now I'm your student? me: if you want to, but I'm pretty expensive. you think you can afford me? (after this conversation -believe it or not- we went to her apartment for a Kamasutra session!!!)Dialogue with girl#3:
me: yes hahaha how many people can say that, right? she: well, you! me: and so what's the craziest place you ever had sex? she: uhmm.. me: (interrupting) can't make a choise hahaha? ;) she: well, I never had sex.. me: never? you mean you are a virgin? she: yes.. ... (2 second awkward silence) me: ow, but it's ok, I can wait ;) she: hahaha I like it, that's a good one!Dialogue with girl#4:
she: I like red wine more me: I like red too. they say that the older the wine, the better the taste. speaking of old, how old are you? she: 24. and what about you? me: Ow I'm sorry, I'm too young for you ;).. she: (laughing) me: but maybe that guy over there likes you :P.. (me pointing at the most wussy-looking guy in the room, obviously making a joke) she: not really me: so I have to find someone who looks more like me, right? ;) she: no, you will do just fine ;)*none of the dialogues have been altered, modified or changed. these are exact fragments of actual conversations.
As you can see, I said the stupidest things, things that "normally" would not make sense. but they all worked, not because I knew what I was SAYING; I knew what I was DOING. the point I'm making here is that you can say whatever you want and still have success! isn't that what every guy wants? being able to "be yourself" -making dumb jokes and saying stupid things- while in the same time being liked and having success? next time, when your 'approach anxiety' sets in, don't think about what you're going to say to that hot blonde standing at the bar; think about how you will walk towards her. think about how your shoes will touch the surface of the floor. think about the look in your eyes when you make eye-contact. think about your posture when you stand next to her. and then, finally, le moment suprême, ask her: "Hey, how are you?"
Go out there and make magic happen!
"Love is just a word, until someone comes along and gives it meaning."
A.'s advice,
body language,
pick up lines,
sexual communication,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Here it is: the Brasil blog!!!
Where do I begin? how do I write about 6 weeks vacation in paradise? I decided to post one big blog about the entire vacation to give you an idea of how it was. I'm not here to write a detailed report about everything we did, instead, I'm going to give you some highlights of our adventures.
To start, we spend too much money, we drank too much alcohol and we partied too much. was it worth it?...
This vacation was by far the wildest and craziest vacation I had in my life!!! Fortaleza was absurd!!! but before I go any further, I want to thank one of my best friends who made this vacation be possible. G., if it wasn't for you, Fortaleza would not be the same. To be honest, I don't know anyone else with who I would want to spend this vacation with (no homo). But enough with the emotions, let me tell you how it all went down.
We arrived at São Paulo airport at 12.00 and we met 2 girls there, who happened to take the same plane as us. at 13.30, flying high above the sky, one of them asked me to sit next to her and at 13.45, I already was kissing her. Brazilian style.
Caipirinha is the national cocktail of Brasil and it's also very popular in Europe and in the US. it's actually very easy to make. just take one lime, two ounces of cachaça, some sugar and a couple of ice cubes and you can start your own cocktail bar ;)
But seriously, this is how you make it:
-wash the lime and roll it on a board to loosen the juices
-cut the lime into pieces and place them in a glass
-sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle, just enough to release the juice
-add the cachaça and stir to mix
-add the ice and stir it again
So if everything was great, why did we do the 'hit & run'? maybe because we like to have fun?
Another typical thing about Fortaleza is that you can never TRULY relax on the beaches. there are always some salesmen disturbing you while you are listening to your iPod or reading your book. most of the time it is fucking annoying, but sometimes you can get your plants with them for a fair price. but keep your eyes wide open and stay focused, because some of these guys sell you sea-sand instead of hash. furthermore, never be fooled by appearances, small children want to sell you stuff, but in the meantime they steal your Hugo Boss flip-flops ;)
At one spontaneous night -after drinking shots of vodka every night- I came with the idea to have a shot of...
After a wild night of partying and wild sex it's time to explore the environment.
Our jewelery; handmade, straight from the favela's of Brasil
In the daytime the sun is always shining. Fortaleza is characterized by its hotness. the city is a very hot one, making it appropriate for tanning sessions at the beach, or, as we say it: chilling at the praia.
Pirates have been around as long as people have used the oceans as trade routes. back in the old days, pirates were rebellious, clever teams who operated outside the restricting bureaucracy of modern life. they were cold-blooded thieves and cruel murderers..
Nowadays, the definition of piracy has lost its original meaning. nowadays, if you want to experience piracy, you have to go to the infamous Pirata Bar. it's a place of freedom, where happiness is the main philosophy of the house, and where the party never ends.
After partying at Pirata's, we don't go home. no, not yet; first we had to go to another wild club..
After a wild night partying and a wild night sex, it's time to go to the praia. the night before I met a really nice girl, so the next morning I took her along to Croco Beach.
Later that evening, we had to take care of some "business".
But after business comes pleasure.
Main party at the club
After-party at our apartment
For those of you who don't already know it by now, the nightlife in Fortaleza is wild!!! it is absurd. you think Ibiza is crazy? think again! I've been in Ibiza many times before, I've partied all around in Europe; from Amsterdam to Berlin, from Warsaw to Paris. I've been traveling all around Asia; from the lounge-clubs in Kuala Lumpur to the sex-clubs in Bangkok.. let me tell you.. nothing compares to Fortaleza.
Every night shots of tequila
Every night chilling
Every night crazy Italiano's
Every night getting wild
Every night wild sex
For those of you who don't already know it by now, the nightlife in Fortaleza is wild!!! it is absurd. you think Ibiza is crazy? think again! I've been in Ibiza many times before, I've partied all around in Europe; from Amsterdam to Berlin, from Warsaw to Paris. I've been traveling all around Asia; from the lounge-clubs in Kuala Lumpur to the sex-clubs in Bangkok.. let me tell you.. nothing compares to Fortaleza.
Of course we can not have one-night stands all the time. sometimes we have to chill with the boys.
After spending another night with her, I made her breakfast the next morning
And later that evening, I took her to the cinema
Another great club in Fortaleza is Órbita. it's not your everyday typical dance-club; it's more like a big café where you can have a chat, play some pool, have a drink or two and just socialize. because honestly, isn't that one of the most important things in life? just being social and spending time with quality people?
Another great club in Fortaleza is Órbita. it's not your everyday typical dance-club; it's more like a big café where you can have a chat, play some pool, have a drink or two and just socialize. because honestly, isn't that one of the most important things in life? just being social and spending time with quality people?
Sometimes we don't even have to go out. staying at the apartment and just relax is also a great way of spending time.
But back to regular programming..
My favorite club in Fortaleza has to be Armazem. it's not exactly like the Jimmy Woo, but it's a fun place to spend some quality time and drink a Vodka-Malibu on the rocks. but what is more important, it's the place where I met J.
People who know me, know that I've had many girlfriends. I'm always in for a one-night stand or a casual relationship. but what I have with J.... trust me.... it's not easy to find something like that. I wanted to find out just how far it can go, so I took her for a trip to Cumbuco, just the two of us. (G. was still drunk from the night before, so he stayed home).
We got up at 8.00 in the morning (horribly early), had sex, took a shower, I made breakfast for the two of us and we went with a buggy to Cumbuco.
Cumbuco is nothing like the party scene in Beira Mar. it's a place where you can be one with the beauty of nature.
After one month in paradise, vacation time was over. it was about time to go back to Amsterdam. on our last night, G., J. and myself partied at Armazem.
But that night, the strangest thing happened. I was in bed with J. and things started to get very emotional.. she really wanted me to stay longer with her..
So I did..
I didn't use my ticket and while G. took a taxi to the airport, I stayed 2 more weeks in Brasil!!!
But the story gets even more crazy...
Out of an impulse, J. and me packed our bags and went to a different city in Brasil; Canoa Quebrada. let me tell you.. if you have a girlfriend and you want to take her to a nice and romantic place, go to Canoa Quebrada, also known as "the pearl of the east coast". it's totally not like the rest of (dangerous) Brasil. it's a small traditional fishing village, a great and peaceful atmosphere and the people are very friendly.
Canoa Beach is a great place to spend quality time
As a matter of fact, she loves me SO much, she did something very spontaneous.. just to memorize our love..
We were walking on the beach, hand in hand, just talking and being in love.. and then.. out of nowhere, she stops.. looks at me.. and says: 'babyy I love you so much and you are the best thing in my life!!' to make a long story short: she wanted to take a tattoo of my name on her body...
YES YOU READ IT CORRECTLY: she is taking a tattoo with my name!
At first, I was just overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. we talked about how the tattoo would look like. just the initials? the full name? or maybe also with an image?
We looked at each other and we both knew it: a butterfly.
Why a butterfly? ever seen the film The butterfly effect? the film itself is not great or whatever, but the concept is very ground-breaking and true! basically the idea is this: a situations occurs at a certain moment in time, which has an (unknown) effect or consequence at a later moment in time. example: if I didn't meet G. a couple of months ago, we wouldn't go together to Fortaleza. or as S. would say it: 'one situation makes another situation'. if I would not go out to club Armazem, I would not find J. and my life would go into a different direction. (I would take the flight back to Amsterdam with G. instead of staying two more weeks in Canoa with J.)
So the tattoo of the butterfly is a tribute to the idea that it was faith/destiny (or is it coincidence/randomness?) that brought J. and me together. it was for this that we found each other on that particular night, which was the beginning of a development at a later moment in time, hence, the butterfly effect.
We were walking on the beach, hand in hand, just talking and being in love.. and then.. out of nowhere, she stops.. looks at me.. and says: 'babyy I love you so much and you are the best thing in my life!!' to make a long story short: she wanted to take a tattoo of my name on her body...
YES YOU READ IT CORRECTLY: she is taking a tattoo with my name!
At first, I was just overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. we talked about how the tattoo would look like. just the initials? the full name? or maybe also with an image?
We looked at each other and we both knew it: a butterfly.
Why a butterfly? ever seen the film The butterfly effect? the film itself is not great or whatever, but the concept is very ground-breaking and true! basically the idea is this: a situations occurs at a certain moment in time, which has an (unknown) effect or consequence at a later moment in time. example: if I didn't meet G. a couple of months ago, we wouldn't go together to Fortaleza. or as S. would say it: 'one situation makes another situation'. if I would not go out to club Armazem, I would not find J. and my life would go into a different direction. (I would take the flight back to Amsterdam with G. instead of staying two more weeks in Canoa with J.)
So the tattoo of the butterfly is a tribute to the idea that it was faith/destiny (or is it coincidence/randomness?) that brought J. and me together. it was for this that we found each other on that particular night, which was the beginning of a development at a later moment in time, hence, the butterfly effect.
And the love story continues...
We went to a restaurant and ate picanha, nothing unusual about that..
Needless to say, she started crying of happiness and said YES!
I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay longer in Canoa. Unfortunately, I already missed two weeks of college and my parents were calling me and sending me emails everyday that I had to come home immediately..
J. and me finally went back to Fortaleza where we stayed for a few more days.
Just to make something very clear. Most of you who read this, think it's just a "vacation thing" and that it doesn't mean that much. I'm not here to convince you that she is the love of my life and that she is perfect for me. why would I tell you this? when I say that I love her, you can never feel what I feel. no words and no photos can capture how I truly feel, but believe me: what I feel is very real. of course I realize that all things in life are temporary. because life in itself is temporary. you are being born and within 100 years -more or less- you will die. this is why all things in life -whether it's love or lust- are temporary.. so take it for what it is and enjoy it for as long as it lasts. in my opinion, THAT is the truest definition of Carpe Diem. enjoy the moment very intense, but be able to let go when you've surpassed that moment. sometimes a moment can be a half second -a blink of an eye- and sometimes 'the moment' can last for years.. unfortunately I have no glass bowl (I wouldn't want to have one) and I can not predict the future.
After Canoa Quebrada...
I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay longer in Canoa. Unfortunately, I already missed two weeks of college and my parents were calling me and sending me emails everyday that I had to come home immediately..
J. and me finally went back to Fortaleza where we stayed for a few more days.
And of course I had to eat the picanha. if you go to Brasil and you didn't eat picanha, you didn't go to Brasil.
On our last night together we decided to go to Armazem. it's the place where we first met.. it's the place where we fell in love..
It's OUR place...
It's OUR place...
6 weeks vacation in paradise; living the carefree life. enjoying the sun, sea, sand, sex, friendships, clubs, restaurants, drinks, dinners, cinemas, supermarkets, internet café's, taxis, buses, planes, Caipirinha's, Shangrila's, La Casa, borrelhapjes, geheimen, Satéhut, spaghetti's, picanha's, blondes, brunettes, shrimps, lobsters, fish, Mambo do Forro, Armazem, Cafe del Mar, Pirata Bar, Heineken Café, Órbita, Mucuripe, Dragão do Mar, Iguatemi, Aldeota, Smirnoff Ice, Smirnoff vodka, Coke Zero, tequila, Baileys, vodka-Malibu, boobies, strippers, Beira Mar, Cumbuco, rave party, favela's, hit 'n run, policia, Croco Beach, Praia de Iracema, Praia do Futuro, Joe's, coconuts, cervezas, simkaart, beltegoed, Altavista 1104, putana's, one-night stands, thin walls ;), HSBC, ABN internet bankieren, doekoe, réais, sos, jonko, salesmen, Italiano's, breakfast, eggs with blue cheese, bitterballen, gehaktballen, kroket, kibbeling, Spiderman, New York homies, chillen, bouncen, Havaianas, mask, paintings, caixa mágica, 5L aqua, shots, drama, love, buggy, Canoa Quebrada, tattoo, butterfly effect, ordem e progresso, Logus 114, Freedom Bar, pousada do Toby, grillburger, eu te amo, wasps, mosquito's, swimming pool, wedding rings, fiancée, bambino, cortes, buceta, safado, gostoso, best sex ever, it's true!, le petit déjeuner, Piña Colada, Sex on the beach, sheesha, emotions, wat is er?!
Wat is er?
Wat is it?
It was the greatest vacation ever!!!
That's what it is.
C'est la vie.
Carpe diem!
With love,
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