Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009


--- Spending quality time with my girl A. ---

This week I spend so much time with this lovely girl. as a matter of fact, I'm going to her right now to have one last moment together before I go on vacation. yes, you read it correctly; tomorrow I'll be in Brazil!!! A., these last few days were great and I'll miss you. remember what I said..

--- Opening of Amsterdam's newest club: Club Prime ---

I've been there twice this week and I already LOVE it there.


1: because of the two girls from Iceland > one sings like an angel and the other one.. ;)..
2: because of D. > a half French, half Polish girl who used some very cheap pick-up lines on me. but I'm still a guy so I had to play along ;)
3: because of R. > I got her phone number because I really want to get to know her better. I asked her: ''can you do something very important for me? can you send me a text message when you are safe back home?'' I understand that the only thing you really want to do, is to have sex with her. of course you could say "do you want to have sex with me tonight?" very straight and very direct -you think I make a joke?? you would be surprised how often they say YES!! but often, you need to say something "sweet" like the thing with this text message; to show her that you care about her well-being.

--- My last night as an employee at Club Escape ---

I worked in Amsterdam's most popular nightclub for almost a year and now it's time for more serious matters. I'll never forget all the fun things that happened there. I'm not going into details about all the situations with friends and lovers, because what happens in Escape, stays in Escape..

--- Love ---

I'll not be blogging for a while, because I'll be in Brazil for the next month. maybe once or twice I'll post something to keep you informed about my whereabouts ;). I'm going to miss all of you, especially E., D., B., E., J., A., A. you know who you are.

With love,
