My colleague N. (from Escape) did me a huge favor. yesterday he arranged a double date for us: N. and his girl H. and me and my 'blind date' A. the funny thing about it is that i never met A. before. i really had no idea what to expect. i told N. that if A. is not hot, i would have one drink and than i would go home ;)
But when i saw her... wowww she looked really HOT!
From the first moment of spending time with her, i couldn't stop looking at the color of her eyes (emerald green and light gray > crazy beautiful eyes!!)
The more time we spend together, the more we liked eachother. in fact, we liked eachother so much, she spend the night with me!! ;)
In fact, we like eachother so much, she just called me and i'm going to her place tonight!!
N., i owe you man!

With love,