Ow yesss, before i forget it: i invented an all new pick-up method that is guaranteed 100% effective to impress a girl!!! if you wanna learn it, let me know and i'll give you the numbers of my bank account ;)
After the movie we went to a place where emotions can change within seconds ;). thanks for choosing 'black'! i knew you would bring me luck ;). for those of you who know what i mean; know when to quit.. for those who don't know what i'm talking about.. i'll take you there next time so you can feel it yourself.
To celebrate our victory we drank whiskey at a certified cafe that 'has been chosen as a great whiskey bar of the world for outstanding presentation, promotion and knowledge of great whiskeys from around the world' *
let me tell you, we spend true quality time at cafe L&B and we had the one eye-opener after the other :)

All i can say is that i love spending time with wise and warm people and that is why i liked it today with you!
x A.