Saturday, September 25, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Latin borrel x Exchange party
I should apologize for the lag in posts. work has overwhelmed me during the week, and I've indeed spend both my weekdays and weekends enjoying my social life. I've literally had to choose between going on dates and writing a blog-post a couple of times. I think you understand why I chose the former.

After some shots the game was on like wildfire! I got some phone numbers -this time from girls that I actually want to call-, a few kisses here and there and I even managed to set up a date for my friend! but what kind of friend would I be if I didn't get a date for myself.. ;)
So two days later I call this girl, we meet up, we try to have a "civilized" date, but the attraction is just too strong and within a few minutes we are exchanging tongue.
Notwithstanding, some words have to be stated regarding two particular events. as with many distinctive social situations, the two were in fact interrelated. I'm talking about the infamous Latin borrel, followed by one of the best nights of partying I've had in a long time: Exchange party @ Club Home.
The great thing about this Latin borrel was that it reminds me of vacation. 90% of the crowd was from overseas -US, Eastern Europe and Spain, to name but a few- which makes them automatically more open-minded and adventurous. I wouldn't be me if I didn't exploit that characteristic, so for all night we were gaming like CRAZY!! I seriously think I talked to all people there.. but all that talking makes us thirsty, so we had to do what we do best.. ASD.

So two days later I call this girl, we meet up, we try to have a "civilized" date, but the attraction is just too strong and within a few minutes we are exchanging tongue.
This girl is a great kisser, a LOT of sex-appeal, seductive eyes; my type -a nice polite little girl, a little bit slutty but not too slutty to be a whore-.
We play the text-game the days after (I send her a text-message, a couple hours later she sends me a text -as if she didn't read it the moment I send it, but whatever- I text her, she texts me and so it goes on).

As I'm dancing with this one girl, I realize that it wouldn't be in my best interest if my date would "catch" us and see me like this (me grinding and dirty dancing with another girl), so I abruptly leave my dance-partner and walk towards the bar to check the inbox of my phone.
We play the text-game the days after (I send her a text-message, a couple hours later she sends me a text -as if she didn't read it the moment I send it, but whatever- I text her, she texts me and so it goes on).
Somehow the text-game turns into another date and we decide to go to the Exchange party, which takes place in Club Home on Saturday.
I'm very excited! "I'll probably get laid this Saturday" I think to myself while reading the text-message. however, I don't want to enter the club together with her (as if we are boyfriend and girlfriend), so I text her that I'll meet her inside. "I'll see you inside the club. destiny will bring us together ;)", I text her in an effort to sound mysterious.
So it's Saturday night and I'm feelin' right (just like the song). I see a lot of people standing in line of Club Home.. it's gonna be a crowded night.. I'm there with the best wingmen I could ever wish for: G., J., R., M. and R.
At this point, the night is still young -as are many of the girls standing in the queue- so we allow some alcohol in our system. as I'm drinking the Martini (yes it's a girls drink, fuck it) I realize that the length of the line is more than ridiculous.. I estimate the average duration of standing in the queue at 50/60 minutes. luckily for us we befriended management. we stood in queue for no longer than 5/6 minutes.
At this point, the night is still young -as are many of the girls standing in the queue- so we allow some alcohol in our system. as I'm drinking the Martini (yes it's a girls drink, fuck it) I realize that the length of the line is more than ridiculous.. I estimate the average duration of standing in the queue at 50/60 minutes. luckily for us we befriended management. we stood in queue for no longer than 5/6 minutes.
Once we entered the venue, the game was once again on like wildfire! not to be too descriptive, but it was on.. DHV.

As expected, my date send me a text-message. as unexpected, I'm reading: "The bouncer won't let us in for safety reasons, the club is too full.. I call you tomorrow. have fun! x"
"Fuck, I won't get laid tonight" I think to myself.
But destiny has a way of its own. so I continue doing what I do best; enjoying myself no matter what, no matter where. as I'm walking back towards my friends, I suddenly see another girl eye-fucking me. I realize that this is a classic case of eye-fucking rather than eyeballing. eyeballing means that a girl is fairly checking you out, while eye-fucking means that her body is screaming sex.
Naturally I responded to her signals and I approached her. we didn't talk much, we didn't even dance that much, we were just kissing the whole time. and normally when you kiss a girl for the first time, it's usually not longer than a full minute. but we kissed non-stop for about 10/20 minutes. not that it's a problem for me, but I couldn't catch a breath.. really I couldn't breathe properly because of the wild movements of her tongue.
"Kissing is just the beginning of sex" I told her. "I like to kiss you too" she said.. (haha that's the funny thing about talking to people in nightclubs, you can't hear a thing ;p). given the fact that words are irrelevant at this point -the point whereby only body-language counts-, I took her hand, leading the interaction to the point of taking her back to my place.
We fucked.
Don't mind the words. I could have written that we made love, but that would be a lie; we fucked. there's a big difference between the two. I did put on some music though, to create some sort of "romantic" atmosphere.
And the music did made all the difference... it woke up my mother...
So while this girl from Club Home and myself did what we did, my mother start knocking on my bedroom-door, telling me to turn off the music. hahaha it was pretty damn awkward.
After the sex -correction: after fucking (I must stay consistent ;)- I drove her back to her place, as the gentleman I supposedly am.
The next morning my date (the one that didn't get in) sends me a text-message: "Hey!! how was the party? x"
I still didn't reply.
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