Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. impossible is not a fact. it's an opinion. impossible is not a declaration. it's a dare. impossible is potential. impossible is temporary. impossible is nothing.
27 February 2009, a legendary day.
I remember it as if it was yesterday. my phone alarm went off and I was eyeballing the information on the display: "Casino+€500+xxx+3*red=Impossible is nothing!" I knew exactly what time it was.. it was time to win some money.
This happened one year ago. since then, a lot has changed.. I'm not with W. -my girlfriend- anymore. instead I have a new girlfriend every week or so. I changed many of my belief-systems; I changed my ways of perceiving reality; I developed different perspectives on life; I changed my look, my style, I spend my time in a different manner, with different kinds of people. in short: a lot of changes in a relatively short time..
However.. one thing that definitely did NOT change, is the fact that I'm still clowning around with the infamous G. we used to be billies at high school and after that, we each walked different paths in life. it was just 2 years ago that our paths crossed once more. since then, it's like every setting "fits"; whether we bounce at the clubs, sipping luxury water at the crib, or partying in Brasil; every setting is great!
Indeed, when we chill, we always have to go over the top. we always have to get crazy. we never do the "regular" things. what do I mean with regular? I mean the everyday things that friends normally do. I'm talking about going to the cinema, playing video games, going to bars and having a beer, talking about school, talking about girls.. but no, this is not what we do; we don't go to the cinema; we go to Brasil. we don't play video games; we play € 1000 bills at roulette. we don't go to bars to drink beer; we go all out at the clubs drinking red ice and VM's. we never talk about school; we talk about social networking. we never talk ABOUT girls; we talk WITH girls!
Given the fact we don't do things in the regular way, we decided to do the impossible.. regular. that's right, we decided to clown around at our hometown doing the whole "Amsterdam thing".
Always when I'm outside of the Dutch boarders and I tell people I'm from Amsterdam, they have this image of Amsterdam as "the city of sins", the city of drugs and prostitutes. while for me, it's just the place I call home.
Today we don't go to Brasil, we don't go to Sweden, we don't go to Paris.. no, today we keep it in Amsterdam. impossible is nothing. impossible is about exploring and expanding your vision.
Impossible is nothing!
Part 2
Rain falls in many forms. whether it drops, drizzles, pounds or pours, people from around the world can relate to the feeling of rain. it’s refreshing to the mind and energising to the senses. it nurtures ideas and feeds the soul. it cleanses the palate and wets the appetite. rain is a concept grown out of a hunger for a better way of life: one filled with thought, care, variety, excitement and surprise. rain offers a new experience every time.
Apparently it's always raining in Amsterdam, but that doesn't stop us from exploiting Dutch soil.
It all starts when we drink vodka at the Leidsestraat. I've heard that it's not allowed to consume alcohol in the streets of Amsterdam, so we had to disguise our activities.
After the body is intoxicated with Absolut, it's only natural to cleanse oneself with water. and by water, I don't mean Spa blauw; I'm talking about artesian water from the springs of Norway.
All nice and fun, but the Amsterdam-experience requires you to be stoned. what better place to go to than to the Rokerij?
Where you can enjoy Dutch espresso
And getting high on Amsterdam's finest greens
What better way than to enrich the senses with an ice-cold strawberry cocktail?
Boss G. having an orgasm while eating the Local Legendary Burger
When you visit Amsterdam, you have to visit the PC. do I mean the personal computer? not quite; I'm talking about the P. C. Hooftstraat. back in the Golden Age, Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft used to be a celebrated poet and playwright. he was a respectable knight in the order of Saint Michael. nowadays, people don't remember any of his plays, they no longer appreciate the poems he wrote.. nowadays, his name symbolizes Amsterdam's most expensive shopping street.
A place where bosses park their brand new Porsche
Is it the place to be?
No, not quite..
Let me take you to yet another place..
We call this the 'Dam'. what happens at the Dam? the Dam is the place where pigeons take their daily shit, it's the place where the energy-level is always high, it's the place where you can devour a hot-dog while observing the characteristics of pedestrians passing by. it's the place that intersects the Kalverstraat and Nieuwedijk. on the west end of the Dam you'll find the neoclassical Royal Palace, which served as the city hall from 1655 until its conversion to a royal residence in 1808. beside it are the 15th-century gothic Nieuwe Kerk and of course the Madame Tussaud's 'wax museum'. needless to say, this is the beating heart of Amsterdam.
An inside view @ De Bijenkorf a.k.a. one big playground
Time to pay the bill...
Do we pay in cash or with card?
How about we DON'T pay?
What do I say? we don't pay? so what do we do than?
Hit & run.
What? you don't know what a hit & run is?
Haven't you seen us in Brasil? ;)
This was one of the first times of us doing a hit & run. but it surely wouldn't be our last.. hahaha can you believe that this is the second time we did a hit & run at Marriot Hotel -the same place-?! indeed, the same place, but a different technique.. our method is now much more "sophisticated"; nowadays we don't run anymore, we smoothly walk away.
Are we thieves? are we bad persons because we don't pay? I have learned in my life that very few things are in fact black and white. was Robin Hood a mere thief? hmm..
Of course after all this thievery, we gotta eat. given the fact that Holland is very tolerant opening its boarders to foreigners, we now have the luxury to choose from a variety of cultural dishes. whether you like Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Surinam or Korean, every cuisine is available in Amsterdam.
It was Picasso -one of the greatest painters that ever walked this planet- who said: "They'll sell you thousands of greens. veronese green and emerald green and cadmium green and any sort of green you like; but that particular green... never."
Black and green, the best combination you've ever seen
We usually don't contemplate about it -we all seem to be so busy- but I'm fucking THANKFUL for the fact to live life! I have my health, my inner strength of self-belief and I feel I am generating positive energy. matter-of-fact, I am generating love! when you read this, you might think I sound crazy or strange.. but this is the beauty.. because I truly don't care what you think about me! hahaha it's true, I have created a life-pattern for myself in order to create happiness and my own destiny. it's difficult to explain in words how it's all about love, health, wealth, peace and happiness. and to develop these concepts and actually FEEL them, just feels amazing!
So yes, I appreciate life to the fullest. I shall enjoy myself whether I'm out clubbing and having a one-night stand that same night, whether I'm exploring the next best thing, but also -especially- when I'm just at home, listening to music or reading a book. sounds impossible? impossible is just an opinion, impossible is a challenge, impossible is a game, impossible is serious business, impossible is fun..
Impossible is nothing.
With love,