We went to the cinema

Then we played pool at Club Smokey
All nice and fun, but then.....
Ahhh i really wish you would see it with your own eyes.... we went to Jantje's Verjaardag and what was so special about it: i fell in love with the world's nicest dancer!!! it takes two to tango and we were dancing in the style of Grease/Dirty Dancing! but not dancing like dancing, i mean DANCING!!!!! we gave a SHOW!! it's not a joke: people were checking us out from ALL OVER the club! we were the entertainment of the night.. later i even heard that while we were dancing, the DJ said through the microphone: 'look at that couple on the dancefloor'.. i'm not exaggerating: in my life i danced with many many many MANY girls, but never in my life did i dance with such an energetic and spontaneous dancer like tonight!! and what is the funniest thing of all: most girls don't know how to dance, so normally in clubs i don't dance much myself. i usually play Frank T.J. Mackey (i must stick to whatever works for me ;). but this girl is probably the first girl since.. EVER.. who could really dance! she made a huge impression on me.. we did a crazy choreography and it all fitted perfectly!! we were flowing and bouncing, she was jumping on me, i was catching her in the air and the whole thing looked as if it's a musical! i liked it that this girl was dominant and she was playing with me and she was provocative and challenging me in front of everyone. by far the best thing about it was 'the look' in our eyes, the way how we looked at each other.. we had this intense and sexual look as if we were going to devour each other... i could go on and on about this girl and how chill she is (not many girls are like this): she could really be my friend instead of only the one-night-stand.. and i'm not just saying this based solely on the dancing..
You were amazing! and i know you also had a great time ;)
And like i said: if it was meant to be, than faith will bring us back together.
And like i said: if it was meant to be, than faith will bring us back together.